If a single volcano can pollute more than all of humanity, why are we not busy making giant corks. I would also suggest looking into very large rolls of flex tape for those under water volcanoes.
Category: Uncategorized
Alligator Mandates
New study – Constantly sneaking up behind alligators and scaring them, makes them too tired to attack humans, with only 11% turning around and attacking the person surprising them and less than 3% being killed, gives this a 98% efficacy rate. Since children and small dogs are most likely to be victims, this helps save our most vulnerable population. While, on very-very-vary rare occasions people with comorbidities are eaten, this is being twisted by some into the latest conspiracy theories. Trusting the science and canceling any not on narrative opinions or negative vibes is very important, or, our grandmas will die from natural causes.
Pen is mightiest?
Ain’t got nothing on the dollar, you can pretend you aren’t even killing people and buy a good nights sleep.
Childhood Lies
Just learned the coyote is twice as fast as the roadrunner, my bad, should have known better after the whole Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy thing. Next thing you know they will be saying politicians lie.
Ride em cowboy
Opened my eyes and fell off the narrative.
Spit it out!
Heard I am a cis-male, because normal is hard to pronounce when you have a mouthful of bullshit.
Order from chaos
Been killing butterflies all week, should have climate change under control soon, grateful weathermen should send gratuities directly to my email address.
Fiscal Responsibility
Why do I have the feeling that when the government takes over my money, they will not do any better than me, at spending it wisely.
Wishful thinking
Stupidity has a half-life, intelligence is contagious.
Your carbon footprint
Can sometimes be hard to see through your jet wash, buying offsets are like pretending you are educated.